World Biography:

Paul Bremer

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Name: Louis Paul Bremer III

Born: 1941 in Hartford, Connecticut



Photo: photo courtesy of the Provisional Coalition Authority of Iraq --

Education: --BA from Yale University,
--CEP (Certificate of Political Studies) from the Institut D’Etudes Politiques of the University of Paris

--MBA from Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration.

Occupation: Ambassador--Currently the President's Envoy to Iraq. In this capacity, he serves as the head of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA).

Career History: Entered the Stated Department diplomatic corps in 1966 and rose through the ranks to serve as the Deputy Ambassador to Norway from 1976 to 1979. Appointed as Ambassador to the Netherlands and served from 1983 to 1986. Ambassador Bremer also served as Executive Secretary of the State Department and was President Reagan’s Ambassador-at-Large for Counter Terrorism, 1986-1989. From 1989 to 2000, Bremer served in the private sector as the Managing Director of Kissinger Associates, a strategic consulting firm headed by former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger. In September 1999, Dennis Hastert, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, appointed him to serve as the Chairman of the National Commission on Terrorism. In June 2002, President Bush appointed Paul Bremer to sit on the President’s Homeland Security Advisory Council. He has also served on the National Academy of Science Commission. The Commission's role was to examine the ability of science and technology to countering terrorism. He also chaired a Heritage Foundation study titled, “Defending the Homeland.”

After returning from duty in Iraq, Bremer became the Chairman of the Advisory Board for GlobalSecure Corporation, a company whose focus is "on securing the homeland with integrated products and services for the critical incident response community worldwide." He also speaks often on the lecture circuit and has written a book about his time in Iraq. (See below).

Accomplishments: After the successful invasion of Iraq in 2003, the Bush Administration's initial choice for the head of the occupation authority, General Jay Garner was fired, and Paul Bremer was installed as the head of the Provisional Coalition Authority (CPA). The CPA was the de facto government of Iraq until authority was returned to the Iraqis.

While criticized for some miscues in governing Iraq; disbanding the 400,000 strong Iraqi army instead of using the trained troops to keep order being one example. The full impact of his tenure will not be known until some point after the occupation ends, though as the insurgency continues, many experts both inside and outside of the U.S. government blame him for mismanaging the governing of Iraq and contributing to the willingness of many Iraqis to back the insurgents.

Published Works:

My Year in Iraq: The Struggle to Build a Future of Hope (2006)--Bremer's memoir of his 14 months in Baghdad.

Assessing U.S. Counterterrorism Efforts. : An article from: Security Management (2001)--This digital document is an article from Security Management, published by American Society for Industrial Security on March 1, 2001. The article examines the latest commission report recommendations, along with subsequent developments.

Languages: English, French, Dutch, and Norwegian

Awards:bla --State Department Superior Honor Award

--Presidential Meritorious Service Award (twice)

--The Distinguished Honor Award (awarded by the Secretary of State)

Worked/Collaborated With: George W. Bush, Colin Powell

Sources: The Coalition Provisional Authority--

The Post.IE--

Please cite this source when appropriate:

Lee, R. "World Biography: L. Paul Bremer"  

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Date Last Modified: 11/12/2006


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